Hello we know that Rapid Share for free users will get limited speed not greater than 200kbps. Its very sad that sometimes there were no free slots to download for free users. Is there any other way to hack this. Al Right I tried to give a good way which I was using to download from Rapid Share with highspeed as premium user for freeee :)
I like to download files through internet. In my experience I never tried to download huge files from Rapid Share. :( :( its True. Most people feel sad with Rapid Share. I rarely use Rapid share links. I found a website which will generate Premium link to download any one can use for free from their website. You have to visit the site and enter the Original Rapid share link and then you will get another link to download. YOu can use the IDM(which mean Internet Download manager). With this link you can download files from Rapid Share as premium User, Speed of the Rapidshare through this link you will get high speed.
Recently I came across from a website named Rapid8. This website generate the Rapidshare Premium link for free. Rapid8 website working fine. I tried site working fine.
Feel Free to comment below. Is there any other good website did you find. comments welcome. Thanks in Advance.