ICET Counselling Notification 2009 counseling dates Rank wise
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ICET Counselling Notification 2009 dates| Mock counseling
Hi freinds
the ICET counseling notification to admission into MBA, MCA will be announced today.
The counseling Notification full details here , read and download : download word doc
FROM | TO | ||
| PH(V) / PH(H) | 1 | Last |
NCC | 1 | 40000 | |
| PH(O) | 1 | 90000 |
CAP | 1 | 40000 | |
| PH(O) | 90001 | LAST |
SPORTS | 1 | 40000 | |
| CAP/SPORTS | 40001 | 80000 |
| NCC | 40001 | 80000 |
| CAP/SPORTS | 80001 | 120000 |
| NCC | 80001 | 120000 |
| CAP/SPORTS | 120001 | LAST |
| NCC | 120001 | LAST |
It is very good for students improve their skills and own thoughts also