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Sikkim Jan12 Exams postponed To Feb.

Good News...Friends. As we expected in post Missing opportunity to write in Jan for Nov11 students. Now its required offer from SMU distance Education.

Actually students who failed in Nov11 Semester exams. They have to wait yo may2012 exams due to Jan12 exams applying date already over. As expected the sikkim manipal distance univ online exams will be conducting in Jan 2012.

The last date for restting examination fee 24 Dec2011.

Now any student can sit for upcoming examinations. As my many frieds are going to applying for these online semester exams. Thats the matter they need to write. Its exactly a good opportunity to appear  and to chance to compleate.

Good luck to every one who are ready to attend .  Smu Online exams very time saving and tentionless . It gives so much time and chance to change any answer anytime during hours

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