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11-year-old ends life over homework

11-year-old ends life over homework

5 Jan 2009, 0543 hrs IST, Ajinkya Deshmukh & Pranjali Kadhao, TNN

NAGPUR: Life ended cruelly and prematurely for 11-year-old Pallavi Uchitkar. An ace student of Sindhu Girls High School in Jaripatka, Pallavi

attempted suicide by burning herself on December 30 over some homework left incomplete. On Saturday, she succumbed to her burns.

Pallavi, a class six student, excelled in academics and was a fine public speaker, debater, singer and dancer. Her teachers and principal spoke highly of her and had made her a prefect. She was the recipient of many prizes for her talents.

The Uchitkar family had to attend a wedding in Saoner on December 27. Of the four daughters in the family — Arti, Shruti, Sapna and Pallavi; Pallavi was the only one who refused to come to the wedding, worried over her studies. “I was worried over having to leave Pallavi alone, and hence took her along anyway,” said Pallavi’s mother. Upon return from Saoner, the tired family slept and the girls missed a day at school.

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