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EPPICARD Latest News: florida child support

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Reed bill would ban using welfare aid for booze

By The Indiana Gazette

House Approves Reed Welfare Reform Bil: Legislation would prohibit the use of welfare and child support to purchase alcohol -- The House Wednesday approved a welfare reform bill sponsored by Rep. Dave Reed, R-Indiana, that would prohibit the use of welfare and child support payments to purchase alcohol.

(Originally published Thursday, May 7, 2009)

``Welfare dollars should not be used to purchase alcohol,'' Reed said. ``We always have to remember, one person's welfare dollar started out as another person's tax dollar. That taxpayer deserves to know that they didn't go to work and pay their taxes so that a welfare recipient could go out and buy a bottle of alcohol.''

The bill passed 196-0.

Reed's legislation - House Bill 74 - would prevent state liquor stores and beer distributorships from accepting electronic benefit cards (EBTs), which are part of the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare's (DPW) cash assistance and food stamp programs.

Reed announced the result of the vote in real time on his social-network page on Constituents responded with expressions of support. Many were incredulous that the use of public-assistance cards for the purchase of alcohol already was not prohibited.

``Every welfare dollar that is used to purchase alcohol is another dollar that isn't available to help someone truly in need,'' Reed said. ``Welfare programs should be aimed at providing basic necessities, such as food and clothing, for people who are down on their luck. It shouldn't be a taxpayer subsidy to pay for a welfare recipient's drinking habit.''

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