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Mothers day Date 10-may- Mothers Quotes, SMS Messages, e- Greeting Cards 2009

Date Of Mothers Day:10-may 
Mothers Quotes, SMS Messages, e- Greetings Cards Mothers day in india 2009

God says, "My thoughts are not your thoughts. My ways are not your ways. I am from above while you are from beneath."

Heaven Lies Under The Feet Of The Mother

Whoever intends to enter Heaven should respect and dignify his parents, especially his mother. Our mother has carried and given birth to us. Furthermore, her prayer will be granted by God. Thus, we must serve her well.

I have been inspired by so many people writing about the "Mothers Day". I think it's nice to try to repay mothers for all they have done for us.

I guess in the West the whole family gather around "Mother" on that day and celebrate the day by making a big party, in the way they show love for their beloved Mums.

I don't celebrate what is called "Mother Day", because I consider our parents are something sacred, holy. and thereby, I consider Every day in my life is My Mothers Day and Parents Day.

The Mother's Day implies paying more attention and exerting more effort in expressing gratitude to mothers. So there is nothing wrong in that.

However, there are two reservations worth mentioning; first, considering the Mother's Day a feast; second, confining the task of showing dutifulness to mothers to that specific day, giving implication that throughout the whole year, just only one day is for showing love to parents. If such two anomalous points are addressed, then there is nothing wrong in considering the Mother's Day a chance to give more care to mothers.

I would like to question all those who support this day

Did our parents choose any special day or moment to express their love for us?

Will this one day be enough for us to express our love?

I am requesting you all who have parents still alive : Pls respect them. consider and celebrate Every day is Mothers Day and Parents Day.

Please Take Care of your Mother.

Thanks . May GOD Bless You.

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